The articles below will help you understand what you might expect, and give you some strategies to help you raise healthy, happy eaters.
These articles will give you more information about feeding problems, and help you figure out how big of a problem eating might be for your child.
Does My Child Have A Problem?
Learn from Dr. Toomey about why children don’t eat well and practical strategies for improving mealtimes in your home through the introductory video “When Children Won’t Eat (and how to help!).
Enjoy free articles each month, designed to help support your children around mealtimes.
Listen in as Dr. Toomey discusses the SOS Approach to Feeding and other feeding topics with community members.
Check out our recommended products, including chairs for mealtimes, utensils, books about kids who are picky eaters, and other resources that we love.
With SOS Parent Libraries, you have access to in-depth information to help you understand how every child learns to eat, why and when eating may get off track, and step-by-step strategies for overcoming feeding difficulties.
Each Library is geared toward a specific population of children.
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