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Does My Child Have A Problem?

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Am I at Your Table?

My feeding problems are a result of a skill deficit, not just a ‘behavior problem’. The good news, is that there are lots of resources to help me learn to eat better.

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Red Flags

If you are wondering if your child might benefit from feeding therapy, read through this list and see how many ‘red flags’ your child has. The more questions you answer ‘yes’ to, the more your child is likely to benefit from feeding therapy.

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Picky Eaters vs. Problem Feeders Questionnaire

There is some confusion around what qualifies a ‘picky eater’ as a picky eater. More importantly, some kids are more than just picky, and will require support to learn to eat a more varied diet. If you are concerned about a picky eater in your life, read through the list below to find out if your loved one is just a Picky Eater, or if they are more likely a Problem Feeder.

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Does Your Child Need Feeding Therapy?

If you have determined that your child is a Problem Feeder, looking for a feeding specialist in your area is a great next step. While there are a lot of strategies and things you can do at home, it is likely that your child has some skill deficits that are interfering with the typical eating development and will require a consult with a professional to address. Because eating is such a complex task, there are lots of areas for things to go wrong, and a professional can help to make sure these areas are addressed and strengthened to support your child and family.

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