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Am I at Your Table?

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I am a Picky Eater or Problem Feeder

My feeding problems are a result of a skill deficit, not just a ‘behavior problem’. Eating is the only physical task that I do which simultaneously utilizes all of my body’s organ systems, all of my muscles (so I don’t fall out of my chair), and all 8 of my senses (yes 8, my occupational therapist taught me about proprioception, vestibular, and interoception systems too!). My ability to learn and my learning history, my development, my nutrition, and family are also important to whether I can eat or not. My ‘behavior problems’ come out because I don’t have the skills I need to eat like you. I am not trying to misbehave when I refuse certain foods, have bad manners, or don’t listen to you during meals. I’m just trying to avoid eating because it is too hard for me.

So, do you know me? Or someone like me? Research shows that 1 out of 5 kids struggles with eating at some point by the time they are 7 years old. Unfortunately, only about half of us will grow out of our feeding challenges without help. To learn more about what it is like to be me, and how to help me eat and grow better, check out our membership levels and resources for parents and professionals. SOS Feeding Therapy helps kids like me learn that food can be fun! For additional feeding support, visit Feeding Matters. They have all sorts of resources for the adults in my life. Please remember that there is hope and help for me in feeding therapy with a holistic, sensations and play based approach.

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Am I at your Table

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