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Announcing the release of the new SOS Approach to Feeding Core Principles White Paper

SOS Approach to Feeding

A transdisciplinary program for assessing and treating children with feeding difficulties

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When Children Won’t Eat

Picky Eaters vs. Problems Feeders

Sometimes, discerning the difference between a “picky eater” and a problem feeder can be difficult. Determining whether or not your child is even a “picky eater” to begin with isn’t necessarily simple. It could just be a hiccup in their developing tastes, or a little phase they’re going through. But if your child is a picky eater or a problem feeder, they will likely require support to learn how to eat a more varied diet. If you’re concerned about a potentially “picky eater” in your life, read these common questions and learn whether SOS Approach to Feeding can help your child.

Picky Eaters vs. Problem Feeders

  1. If you were to make a list of all of the foods that your child eats, how many foods would be on that list?
  2. Does your child eat the same food over and over, then suddenly stop eating that food (Food Jag)? Will they accept that food again at some point in the future, or is that food typically lost?
  3. What happens if you put a new food on their plate?
  4. Do they eat at least one food from most nutrition (proteins, vegetables, etc.) and texture (purees, soft foods, chewy foods, etc.) categories?
  5. What does their plate look like at meals compared to the rest of the family’s?
  6. How hard is it for them to learn about new foods?
  7. How often has your child been reported as a “picky eater” at well-child check-ups?

Discover the differences between Picky Eaters vs Problem Feeders with the Picky Eaters vs Problem Feeders Questionnaire.


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Parents & Caregivers

We know that each child and situation is unique, and we’ve seen the heartbreak and fear that can come when things aren’t going well. We know it’s much more than “just a phase,” and that ensuring your child is getting the nutrients necessary to not just survive, but flourish, is no easy task. Let us help.

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The SOS Approach is the only results-driven feeding program with 30 years of proven clinical experience helping children learn the skills they need to eat well. We’ve been training professionals in the field about feeding challenges and how to best utilize our approach in their practices for decades, and the results speak for themselves. If you’re looking for ways to expand how you work with children with feeding problems, we can help revolutionize the way you look at assessment, what treatment strategies you use, and how to best improve your impact on parents and caregivers.

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SOS Training


Whether you’re just starting out in treatment with your first child with a feeding disorder, or you have been doing this for years, SOS provides information and strategies to improve your skills to help even the most challenging children.

SOS Training Conferences

All training in the SOS Approach to Feeding begin by attending the Main Training Conference. This conference provides the foundational information in feeding development, assessments, and therapy using the SOS Approach to Feeding. View the SOS Conference Schedule

Advanced Workshops

After completing the SOS Approach to Feeding Main Training Conference, therapists can take our online, pre-recorded Advanced Workshops. These workshops provide advanced techniques that address special populations and specialized topics in feeding, allowing you to gain additional information relevant to your setting. View Topics and Register

SOS Mentorship

After completing the SOS Approach to Feeding Conference and taking selected Advanced Workshops based on your clinical population, you can join a Mentorship Course. Mentorship provides personalized guidance and feedback on the use of the SOS Approach in your setting and with your clinical caseload. View Upcoming Mentorship Courses

SOS Certification

After completing all of the above steps, you can take the Certification Course to become a Certified SOS Therapist. This course provides expert-level training for therapists who demonstrate mastery of the SOS Approach and to utilize the SOS Philosophies in treatment. SOS Certification is required for those who wish to do research on the SOS Approach to Feeding program. Learn More & Register

Parent & Caregiver Workshop


SOS Parent Caregiver Workshop

The Parent and Caregiver Workshop offers an introductory view of the SOS Approach to Feeding to help Parents and Caregivers understand how complicated feeding/eating is, why children may struggle to eat, and how to help children to eat better. This Workshop will teach Parents and Caregivers about the foundational skills needed for eating. Practical Strategies are discussed so Parents and Caregivers can help their children learn to have a lifelong healthy relationship with food. This Workshop will be addressing common feeding issues often seen in young children, to struggles that “picky eaters” may have, and the challenges of the “problem feeder”.


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Success Stories

Logan shared that he feels this is the “just right” approach for him. I am thrilled and so thankful that you took the time to hear me and guide me in this direction.
- Mom from Colorado | Read More
Our son greatly benefited from the SOS Program. It broke down the barriers and allowed him to explore food through games, scientific record keeping, sight, touch and smell when tasting was an obstacle.
- Mom from North Carolina | Read More
Our SOS therapist went above and beyond to help us even after our four weeks was complete. She gave me the tools to evaluate my son’s relationship with food, so I felt empowered to help him through the sensory, motor and any minor bumps or jags we had along the way.
- Mom from Michigan | Read More
When we started our sessions of feeding school with the SOS program I was FLOORED and extremely emotional about how we finally found that missing key we had been searching for all along. The SOS approach was tailored to my son and his needs and it was just amazing how much progress we made in just a few weeks.
- Mom from Texas | Read More
Feeding therapy absolutely changed our lives. I can't thank Dr. Toomey and our fantastic SOS therapist enough for how they have changed our lives. We are living a life we didn't think possible at one time...so much joy and happiness now. At one time we thought that was gone forever!!!
- Mom from Illinois | Keep Reading
I will never forget her [Dr. Toomey]. She saved my daughter's life. This approach is beyond genius!
- Mom from Colorado | Keep Reading

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